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Welcome to The ParksBase!

looking upstream at the dam

There are many types of parks. The ParksBase defines a park as a natural, cultural, historical, or recreational space, mostly outdoors, at least in part, that is open to the public with or without a fee.

Yes, this definition leaves a lot open for interpretation.

There are some indoor spaces that qualify as parks, too. They are spaces that are parks in national or state park systems. These are usually, though not always, historical parks.

Types of parks include: zoos, botanical gardens, nature preserves, National Park Service parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges, Bureau of Land Management lands, Army Corps of Engineers recreation areas, national fish hatcheries, state parks, state forests, state wildlife management areas, state fish hatcheries, county parks, local parks, dog parks, boat accesses, and other parks, which include for-profit parks and anything else that doesn’t fit into one of the other categories.

I started this site with parks from throughout the US, but I only had one park in most regions. That made for a very bad user experience; in fact, it was exactly what I didn’t like about most existing sites.

So I decided that I would change the site to a more regional approach. I will find and document all the parks in one region before seriously moving on to the next. (I may have a few parks in other regions as I visit them, but I will give most of my effort to one region at a time.)

I am starting with Central Pennsylvania. It makes sense, since that’s where I live. I will complete Central Pennsylvania, county by county, and then I will move on to East Central, West Central, North Central, and South Central, not necessarily in that order.

First, I am going to make The ParksBase the absolute best place on the internet, heck, anywhere, to find information about Central Pennsylvania parks, and then I will expand to other regions.

If you are a park-goer or a park employee or someone who has a business related to parks, I would love to hear from you. What information would you like to see about parks? How can I serve you or your business? Please let me know on the contact page.