Categories: Latest Parks

Akron Zoo


The Akron Zoo is very nice. I was leading a group of college students, so I didn’t have as much freedom to look around as I normally would, but what I saw impressed me. It’s been several years since I was there, and what I remember most are the penguins and flamingos. I was teaching an ornithology lab at the time, so maybe that’s why the birds stood out.

female lion relaxes at the Akron Zoo
flamingos penguin female lion relaxes at the Akron Zoo

I would encourage anyone who is nearby, has time, and likes animals to visit.



Hiking (Walking) | Picnicking


Gift Shop | Food Concession | Picnic Tables | Playground | Trash Cans | Toilets | Water Fountains | Visitor Center/Museum/Environmental Education Center

For more information on the Akron Zoo, check out their website.

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