Categories: Latest Parks

Lincoln Home National Historic Site

Lincoln's Home

The only home that Lincoln ever owned was this one in Springfield, Illinois. Lincoln Home national Historic Site has preserved the home as it was when he lived there. As far as homes go, this one is pretty typical of the time period. It was interesting, but unless you’re a huge fan of Lincoln, I wouldn’t put it on the top of my must-see list.

sign for Lincoln Home National Historic Site
couch with a globe on either side
Lincoln's Home
living room
sign for Lincoln Home National Historic Site couch with a globe on either side Lincoln's Home kitchen bedroom living room

The fee is for parking, not for entrance, so even if you have a parks pass, you’ll have to pay.



Gift Shop | Toilets | Visitor Center/Museum/Environmental Education Center


Historical Significance

If you’d like more information about Lincoln Home National Historic Site, visit the National Park Service website.

One Comment

  1. This was a very nice tour. All furnishings are from Lincoln’s era even if thet were not specifically his or Mary Todd Lincoln’s.

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