South Hills Park is a small neighborhood park in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a basketball court, a playground. . .
Activity: Basketball
Unionville Playground or Unionville Soccer Fields, Centre County, Pennsylvania
Unionville Playground, also known as Unionville Soccer Fields, is in Unionville, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. . .
Snow Shoe Township Public Recreation Facility, Centre County, Pennsylvania
Snow Shoe Township Public Recreation Facility is in Snow Shoe, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It ha a ballfield, a basketball court. . .
Snow Shoe Borough Playground, Centre County, Pennsylvania
Snow Shoe Borough Playground is in Snow Shoe, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground, a pavilion with picnic tables. . .
Snow Shoe Borough Community Park, Centre County, Pennsylvania
Snow Shoe Borough Community Park is in Snow Shoe, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has two ball fields, a basketball. . .
Rauchtown Road Park, Clinton County, Pennsylvania
Rauchtown Road Park is, as the name suggests, on Rauchtown Road in Rauchtown, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground, a ball field, a basketball court, and a pavilion with picnic tables.
Renovo Park or Playground or 8th Street Park, Clinton County, Pennsylvania
Renovo Park or Renovo Playground or 8th Street Park is in Renovo, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania, along the West Branch. . .
Porter Township Recreation Park, Clinton County, Pennsylvania
Porter Township Recreation Park is along Route 64 and Washington Ave. in Lamar, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground. . .
Pine Street Playground, South Renovo, Clinton County, Pennsylvania
Pine Street Park is in South Renovo, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground, a basketball court, and a pavilion. . .
Oak Grove Park, Avis, Clinton County, Pennsylvania
Oak Grove Park is in Avis, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a ball field, a playground, a pavilion with picnic tables, tennis. . .