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Snyder-Middleswarth Picnic Area, Bald Eagle State Forest, Snyder County, PA

Snyder-Middleswarth Picnic Area in Bald Eagle State forest is a lovely place to come, relax, and enjoy the natural forested surroundings!

Rock Springs Picnic Area, Bald Eagle State Forest, Snyder County, PA

Rock Springs Picnic Area is a very nice destination to enjoy Bald Eagle State Forest. . .

Shady Nook Boat Access, Monroe Township, Selinsgrove, Snyder County, PA

Shady Nook Boat Access is along the Susquehanna River just north of Selinsgrove, Snyder County, Central Pennsylvania. . .

Penns Creek Access and Little Norway II, Selinsgrove, Snyder County, PA

Penns Creek Access is, as the name suggests, boat access to Penns Creek. Little Norway II is a large field that is flooded in winter for ice skating. . .

Isle of Que Boat Access, Selinsgrove, Snyder County, PA

The Isle of Que Boat Access is a boat ramp on the Isle of Que in Selinsgrove, Snyder County, Central Pennsylvania. . .