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Thompson Woods Preserve, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Thompson Woods Preserve consists of several easy hiking trails through a natural area in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. . .

Millbrook Marsh Nature Center, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Millbrook Nature Center is in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. The nature preserve has walking trails and boardwalks. . .

Ravensburg State Park, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Ravensburg State Park is near Jersey Shore, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It is in a gorge carved out of Nippenose Mountain. . .

Kettle Creek State Park, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Kettle Creek State Park is along Kettle Creek in Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has hiking, camping, boating, fishing, hunting. . .

Long Run Recreation Area, Mill Hall, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Long Run Recreation Area, also called Long Run Baseball Field, is in Mill Hall, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has two ball fields. . .

Hyner Run State Park, Pennsylvania

Hyner Run State Park is near Hyner, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has fishing, swimming, hiking, hunting. . .

Hyner View State Park, Pennsylvania

Hyner View State Park is in Hyner, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It boasts an amazing view of the West Branch of the Susquehanna. . .

Kish Park, Highland Park, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Kish Park, short for Kishacoquillas Park, also called Derry Park, is in Lewistown, Mifflin County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a dog park. . .