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Graysdale Park, Port Matilda, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Graysdale Park is in Port Matilda, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground, a ball field, a basketball court. . .

Millheim Community Playground, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Millheim Community Playground, or Millheim Municipal Park and Millheim Field, is in Millheim, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. . .

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Park, Millheim, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Park and is in Millheim, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a swimming pool. . .

Fairbrook Park, Ramblewood, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Fairbrook Park is a local park in Ramblewood, just outside of State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has soccer fields. . .

The Meadows Park, Ramblewood, Centre County, Pennsylvania

The Meadows Park is a neighborhood park in Ramblewood, just outside of State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a basketball. . .

Greenbriar Saybrook Park, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Greenbriar Saybrook Park is a local park in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a basketball court, a playground. . .

Green Hollow Park, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Green Hollow Park is a local park in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has basketball and tennis courts, a ball field. . .

Homestead Park, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Homestead Park is a local park in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a ball field, soccer fields, a playground. . .