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All Parks in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Looking for parks in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania? You’ve found them! Lewisburg has playgrounds, ball fields, green space, hiking trails, boating access for the Susquehanna River, and more. Check out the parks below.

Lewisburg is a small town in eastern Union County, Central Pennsylvania. The 2020 census puts the population at 5158 people.

map of parks in Lewisburg

Local Parks

Danny Greene Park | East Buffalo Township Municipal Park (and Sakura Garden and John F. Smith Field) | Hufnagle Park | Kelly Township Fields | Lewisburg Area Recreation Park (or St. Mary’s Street Park) | Mariah’s Garden | Soldiers Memorial Park | St. Anthony Street Park (and Wolfe Field) | The Piers Art Park | Turtle Creek Park (south of map area)


Dale’s Ridge Trail | Lewisburg-Mifflinburg Rail Trail

Boat Access

Lewisburg Boat Access

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