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All Parks in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania

Selinsgrove is the largest town in Snyder County, Central Pennsylvania, with a population of 5713, according to the 2020 census. It is along US Route 15 and the Susquehanna River and is home to Susquehanna University. There are many parks in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania.

map of parks in Selinsgrove

Pennsylvania State Game Lands

State Game Land 212

Local Parks

East Snyder Regional Park | Major Anthony Selin Park (and Kidsgrove, Selinsgrove Dog Park, Selinsgrove AYSO Soccer Fields, and Anthony Selin Woods) | Moose Playground | Pump House Park (and Pump House Tot Lot) | Rotary Field | Selinsgrove Commons | Selinsgrove Community Pool | Statue Park

Boat Access

Isle of Que Boat Access

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