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Hyner View State Park, Pennsylvania

Hyner View State Park is in Hyner, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It boasts an amazing view of the West Branch of the Susquehanna. . .

Reeds Gap State Park, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Reeds Gap State Park is on Jacks Mountain in Mifflin County, Central Pennsylvania, and is surrounded by Bald Eagle State Forest. Honey. . .

Reedsville Park, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Reedsville Park is in Mifflin County, Central Pennsylvania. It has tennis, basketball, baseball or softball, and a playground. . .

Malta Park, Granville, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Malta Park is in Granville, near Lewistown, Mifflin County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground, a basketball court, pavilions. . .

Longfellow Playground, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Longfellow Playground is in Longfellow, near Lewistown, Mifflin County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground, basketball and tennis. . .

Sand Bridge State Park, Union County, PA

Sand Bridge State Park is in northwestern Union County, Central Pennsylvania. It is a great place for a picnic or to throw a line in the stream and fish. . .

Raymond B. Winter State Park or Halfway Dam, Union County, PA

Raymond B. Winter State Park is along Route 192  in the northwest corner of Union County, Central Pennsylvania, surrounded by Bald Eagle State Forest. . .

Snyder-Middleswarth Picnic Area, Bald Eagle State Forest, Snyder County, PA

Snyder-Middleswarth Picnic Area in Bald Eagle State forest is a lovely place to come, relax, and enjoy the natural forested surroundings!

Rock Springs Picnic Area, Bald Eagle State Forest, Snyder County, PA

Rock Springs Picnic Area is a very nice destination to enjoy Bald Eagle State Forest. . .