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Millbrook Marsh Nature Center, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Millbrook Nature Center is in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. The nature preserve has walking trails and boardwalks. . .

Mifflin County Youth Park, Reedsville, Pennsylvania

Mifflin County Youth Park is in Reedsville, Central Pennsylvania. It has pavilions with picnic tables, a baseball field, and a horseshoes. . .

Beaver Community Fairgrounds, Beaver Springs, Snyder County, Pennsylvania

Beaver Community Fairgrounds is in Beaver Springs, Snyder County, Central Pennsylvania. They are not in use except when the fair is going on.

Hartley Township Community Park or Hartley Township Recreation Complex, Laurelton, Union County, PA

Hartley Township Community Park (AKA Hartley Township Recreation Complex) in Millmont, Union County, Pennsylvania. . .