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Halfmoon Township Community Park, Port Matilda, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Halfmoon Township Community Park is in Halfmoon Township near Port Matilda, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has two ball fields. . .

Autumn Meadow Park, Port Matilda, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Autumn Meadow Park is in Port Matilda, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania, in a neighborhood off of Halfmoon Valley Road. . .

Ardery Hollow Road Baseball Field, Port Matilda, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Ardery Hollow Road Baseball Field is in Port Matilda, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania, along Ardery Hollow Road. It has a ball field. . .

The Chalet Park, Philipsburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania

The Chalet Park is in Rush Township, near Philipsburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania. It has a playground, picnic tables with a grill. . .

Slabtown Park, Philipsburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Slabtown Park is in Philipsburg, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It features a skate park, three ball fields, two basketball courts. . .

Rush Township Municipal Park, Philipsburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Rush Township Municipal Park is in Philipsburg, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It features a playground, a pavilion with picnic tables. . .

Cecil Irvin Park, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Cecil Irvin Park is a small neighborhood park in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a playground, a pavilion with. . .

Unionville Playground or Unionville Soccer Fields, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Unionville Playground, also known as Unionville Soccer Fields, is in Unionville, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. . .

Bernel Road Park, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Bernel Road Park is just north of State College in Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. It has a large playground, tennis courts,. . .

Buffalo Run Community Park, Benner Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Buffalo Run Community Park is in Benner Township, just north of State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. . .