Categories: Latest Parks

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

looking way down to the river

The Gunnison River flows through the bottom of the steep canyon at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado. While it doesn’t always look that way in my pictures below, some of the canyon walls look very dark, hence “Black Canyon.”

looking down to the river
looking way down to the river
view across the top of the canyon
sheer cliff
mountains in the distance
evergreen trees on a slope in the middle of a cliff
looking down at the river
looking down to the river looking way down to the river view across the top of the canyon sheer cliff mountains in the distance lizard evergreen trees on a slope in the middle of a cliff looking down at the river mountains mountains


Backpacking | Camping | Fishing | Hiking | Horseback Riding | Picnicking | Skiing, Cross Country | Snowshoeing


Amphitheater | Electricity Hookups | Gift Shop | Picnic Tables | Recycling Cans | Trash Cans | Toilets | Visitor Center/Museum/Environmental Education Center | Water Fountains


Canyon | Geologic Features

For more information about Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, visit the National Park Service website.

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