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Categories: Latest Parks

Oil Creek State Park, PA

Oil Creek State Park celebrates the world’s first commercial oil well and the early history of the petroleum industry. . .

Categories: Latest Parks

Presque Isle State Park, PA

On the shore of Lake Erie, the 3,200 acres of Presque Isle State Park offer recreational opportunities similar to most coastal beaches. . .

Categories: Latest Parks

Pymatuning State Park, PA

Pymatuning State Park is 16,892 acres, and the main draw is Pymatuning Reservoir. . .

Categories: Latest Parks

Raccoon Creek State Park, PA

Raccoon Creek State Park is 7,572 acres not far from Pittsburgh featuring a wildflower reserve, a lake, and a lodge. . .

Categories: Latest Parks

McConnell’s Mill State Park, PA

A nineteenth century gristmill and covered bridge are the man-made centerpieces of the park, but the geologic features including boulders and waterfalls left by retreating glaciers are the real attractions. . .