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Pennsylvania State Game Land 60, Centre, Cambria, and Blair Counties

Pennsylvania State Game Land 60 is in Centre, Blair, and Cambria Counties. It features hunting and fishing and activities such as hiking. . .

Pennsylvania State Game Land 33, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania State Game Land 33 is in Centre County, south and slightly east of Philipsburg along and east of Route 350. It has hunting. . .

Mount Nittany Trailhead in Stoney Batter Natural Area, State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania

Mount Nittany Trailhead is in Stoney Batter Natural Area on Mount Nittany in State College, Centre County, Central Pennsylvania. . .

Pennsylvania State Game Land 100, Centre and Clearfield Counties

Pennsylvania State Game Land 100 is in Centre and Clearfield Counties near Pine Glen. Hunting, fishing, hiking, wildlife photography. . .

Ravensburg State Park, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Ravensburg State Park is near Jersey Shore, Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It is in a gorge carved out of Nippenose Mountain. . .

Kettle Creek State Park, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

Kettle Creek State Park is along Kettle Creek in Clinton County, Central Pennsylvania. It has hiking, camping, boating, fishing, hunting. . .