Pymatuning State Park, PA

Pymatuning State Park is 16,892 acres, and the main draw is Pymatuning Reservoir. Fishing, boating, and eagle watching are some of the favorite activities here.
Boating | Camping | Canoeing/Kayaking | Disc Golf | Fishing | Hiking | Hunting | Ice Boating | Ice Fishing | Picnicking | Pontoon Boating | Power Boating | Row Boating | Skiing, Cross Country | Sledding | Snow Mobiling | Swimming, BeachAmenities
Cabins/Cottages | Dump Station | Electricity Hookups | Food Concession | Marina | Picnic Tables | Showers | Toilets | Water HookupsFeatures
Beach, Lake | LakeFor more information about Pymatuning State Park, check the DCNR’s website.